Friday 1 February 2008

Successful Launch

The China Business Club was launched yesterday at the Arts Club in Mayfair.

Peter Whimster and Saijiao Hu are the two people behind this fantastic Club that I have the honour to facilitate.

The term ‘business’ also encompass culture and the arts.The tremendous interest that was shown on the 30th January 2008 with discussion and heated debate was most striking. The audience included not only businessmen at the top of their profession and trade; but also very keen collectors and appreciators of the Arts. Indeed, some people intending to exhibit in Shanghai in May this year found some very interesting contacts. Others in manufacturing found the evening most enlightening in terms of contacts and the information available.

Oil, Gas and Gold were discussed as commodities and investment opportunities, with financial projection to 2035. Will China take over the World Economy? Our speaker, John Robson of Full Circle Asset Management, told the assembly that China was the greatest manufacturing nation in the world during the 18th century and is again unsurpassed in manufacturing at beginning of the 20th Century; the World first in economic growth, and now the third largest economy, and growing exponentially.

Indeed China is to be reckoned with and if you ignore China, China will ignore you!

This gathering really fostered relationships and cards were exchanged meaningfully. No doubt, economic and social impact will results of these meetings.