Saturday 31 May 2008

Tuesday 20 May 2008

'Soft Power Diplomacy and the PRC'

China Business Club
Event on 28/05/08 : Speaker: Dr. Kerry Brown
'Soft Power Diplomacy and the PRC'

The China Business Club invites you to the Arts Cub on 28/05/08 for a talk by Dr. Kerry Brown on: 'China's Soft Power Diplomacy' with reference to the impact Chinese Diplomacy has had in Asia, Africa and Europe; and how this conflicts with the interests of the USA and others. Dr. Kerry Brown, who is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs based at Chatham House, has developed an expertise on China and speaks fluent Mandarin.

The timetable:

19:00 Registration
19:30 Presentation
20:15 Q & A
21:10 Networking, drinking & eating (2 course meal and wine)
23:00 Carriages
To book click on or telephone 0800 084 21 73 / 0808 168 0143 to pay by credit card
For information on Chatham House
Event Organiser:
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Dr Kerry Brown
28th May 2008

Dr Kerry Brown is a commentator, writer, and consultant on China. He has worked in government, academia and private business, dealing with the Asian region since 1990. He was First Secretary at the British Embassy in Beijing from 2000 to 2003. He has a detailed knowledge of China’s provinces, based on 2 years spent working for an NGO in the Inner Mongolian region of China in the mid 1990s.
This combination of national and regional experience gives Dr Brown a unique perspective from which to view the development of contemporary China. He is a fluent speaker of Mandarin Chinese. He is an experienced speaker, having talked about China on ‘News at Ten’, BBC Four World at One, ‘Frost Over the World’ on Al Jazeera, ‘The Today Programme’, CNN, ITN, and other outlets. He has also spoken throughout the UK on China.
Dr Brown graduated in English and philosophy from Cambridge University in 1989. He studied Chinese in the early 1990s in London, graduating with distinction. He completed his Ph D in contemporary Chinese studies in 2003, at Leeds University. This has been published as part of the Cambridge University Inner Asian Studies Series. He is the author of articles about China in the Guardian, Telegraph, The Times Literary Supplement, Prospect, Index on Censorship,, Far Eastern Economic Review, China Information, China Review, International Affairs, Critical Asian Studies, and The Liberal. He also contributes regularly to the Asian Online Review of Books, and to the Journal of the Royal Association of Asian Affairs. His particular interest in the last 2 years, since leaving the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has been the development of the non-state sector in China, and the impact of public intellectuals on Chinese social and economic development.
Dr Brown was appointed an Associate Fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 2005, on the Asia programme. He chairs the China Discussion Group, which involves some of the most innovative thinkers about contemporary China. He is a committee member of the British Association of Chinese Studies, and of the Great Britain China Centre, and an associate of the China Policy Centre, Nottingham.
Dr Brown has talked about China at Oxford University, Cambridge University, the Royal Society of Arts, Royal Society of Asian Affairs, London School of Economics, Royal College of Art, and at numerous other societies, in the UK, Brussels, Ireland, Poland, Germany, Iceland, Hong Kong and China.
His book about the impact of China’s development on the West in the 21st century, Struggling Giant – China in the 21st Century was published in June 2007, by Anthem Press. The Rise of the Dragon: Chinese Inward and Outward Investment in the Reform Period, by Chandos Press, appeared in February 2008. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and was a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics Asian Studies Centre in 2007. During his career as a member of the British Diplomatic Service he was also Head of the Indonesia, East Timor and Philippines Section, heavily involved in the peace negotiations in Aceh.
• Tel. 0808 168 0143
• Fax. 0208 269 0101
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